Championing architectural education
Director Ashley recently began teaching at Architecture, Design and Planning - University of Sydney, as part of his new role as Associate Professor of Practice.
His studio, "The Future of Towns: Sustainable Urban Design and Architecture for Regional Places", advocates for a broader evaluation of high streets – one that goes beyond the traditional focus on retail and commerce, to consider and promote the delivery of wide-ranging public value and greater local impact. He writes:
"Our regional centres must adapt to meet challenging environmental targets. They should be setting new benchmarks for sustainable living, leading the way towards zero-carbon living and responding to a new climate. High streets and town centres will have to adapt to accommodate a circular consumer and business economy of recycling, reuse and waste management.
My research will look at developing a series of housing types that can be a catalyst and prototype for Regional Town Centre regeneration."
Last week, he led a field trip to Cobar to visit local landmarks, including Georges Lentz and Glenn Murcutt's Sound Chapel, the Office Lands Department Building and the Court House in Bourke, both designed by W L Vernon and Government Architects, and recent DunnHillam projects - the Cobar Museum and Cobar Youth Centre.
We're excited to see what the students contribute to this important conversation in the upcoming months.